Thursday, October 27, 2016


When I went running yesterday, the sign in my neighborhood said it was 89 degrees. I can assure you I felt every single one of those degrees during my loop around Rice!

Almost exactly 24 hours later, I caught snowflakes on my tongue and watched my breath curl through the air in front of me while walking to my rental car in Hartford. New England can be a magical place in the fall.

Today's quote for reflection and prompt are about an entirely different kind of "cool," though--the kind I sort of left by the wayside when I saw the layer of white through the plane window.

(I bounced up and down in my seat and might or might not have actually squealed in delight.)

Today's quote is from one of my all-time favorite movies, Almost Famous, which was written and directed by Cameron Crowe:

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

The prompt from 642 Things is:

What year was your year of maximum coolness?

If you'd like, you can flip it: what year were you most UNcool? (In my case, a certain haircut that made me resemble a poodle comes to mind...)

Happy writing!

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