Saturday, October 29, 2016


Good morning and happy weekend! I hope you all have something fun ahead of you today.

Here's the quote for reflection as you prepare to write:

        Naturally—and why should I not admit this—I have occasionally wondered to myself how things might have turned out in the long run.... I only speculate this now because in the light of subsequent events, it could well be argued that in making my decision...I was perhaps not entirely aware of the full implications of what I was doing. Indeed, it might even be said that this small decision of mine constituted something of a key turning point; that that decision set things on an inevitable course towards what eventually happened.

But then, I suppose, when with the benefit of hindsight one begins to search one's past for such 'turning points', one is apt to start seeing them everywhere.... What would have transpired, one may ask, had one responded slightly differently...? And perhaps—occurring as it did around the same time as these events?

Kazuo IshiguroThe Remains of the Day

And here's the prompt from 642 Things:

Using the following template as a jumping-off point, write about a lesson you learned or an insight you gained. At the time, I felt/thought/acted ________. Now I see/understand/admit that ___________.

Happy writing!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


When I went running yesterday, the sign in my neighborhood said it was 89 degrees. I can assure you I felt every single one of those degrees during my loop around Rice!

Almost exactly 24 hours later, I caught snowflakes on my tongue and watched my breath curl through the air in front of me while walking to my rental car in Hartford. New England can be a magical place in the fall.

Today's quote for reflection and prompt are about an entirely different kind of "cool," though--the kind I sort of left by the wayside when I saw the layer of white through the plane window.

(I bounced up and down in my seat and might or might not have actually squealed in delight.)

Today's quote is from one of my all-time favorite movies, Almost Famous, which was written and directed by Cameron Crowe:

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

The prompt from 642 Things is:

What year was your year of maximum coolness?

If you'd like, you can flip it: what year were you most UNcool? (In my case, a certain haircut that made me resemble a poodle comes to mind...)

Happy writing!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

On Natural Disasters

Hello everyone! I hope the week is off to a good start for you.

I missed posting on Saturday because we were at Camp Allen for the parish retreat (along with some of you!), but I will get back to our regular schedule of Tu/Thurs/Sat posts this week.

Here's the quote for reflection:

My architectural drive was to design new types of buildings to help poor people, especially following natural disasters and catastrophes... I will use whatever time is left to me to keep doing what I have been doing, which is to help humanity. Frei Otto

And here's what we have from 642 Things:

Write about the natural disaster experience you had, never had, and/or wish you'd had.

To throw in another way of sharing, feel free to post pictures of any natural disasters you've encountered. Here are a couple of mine:

This was the scene in my driveway in Connecticut after Hurricane Irene.

This was the neighborhood Christmas tree after being destroyed by Hurricane Sandy.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pondering Power

It's Almost-Friday again!

Here's the quote for reflection for today:

“Power isn’t control at all — power is strength, and giving that strength to others. A leader isn’t someone who forces others to make him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give his strength to others that they may have the strength to stand on their own.” ― Beth Revis, Across the Universe

And the prompt from 642 Things:

What's the biggest position of power you've ever held? How did it change you?

I'll be posting several responses to this and previous prompts later this evening. I hope you'll add yours as well.

Happy writing!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Quote and Prompt--October 18

We will not meet tomorrow during Great Wednesdays because I have to be at my son's school for an evening activity. We will pick up with Anne Lamott's "Shitty First Drafts" on October 26.

Today's quote to help you focus before you start writing is something I saved in my phone a few years ago. I have no idea what the original source information might be, so I apologize for the lack of attribution:

Here's today's prompt from 642 Things:

Picture a photo from your childhood, one that you know well. Narrate the scene around the taking of that photo, to the best of your memory.

Remember to post your responses in the Comments, and happy writing!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday Poem and Prompt

Good morning, writers!

Today is such a gorgeous day. Read this poem before you go out an enjoy it; then read it again when you come back inside.

The little cares that fretted me.
I lost them yesterday
Among the fields above the sea.
Among the winds at play;
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees,
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees.

The foolish fears of what may happen,
I cast them all away
Among the clover-scented grass,
Among the new-mown hay;
Among the husking of the corn
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are born,
Out in the fields with God.

--Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(taken from page 370 of Life Prayers from Around the World, edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon)

Today's prompt from 642 Things:

Write a letter to the teacher (or coach) who made a difference in your life, asking him or her for help. What are you asking for? Why?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Starting Things Off

Welcome to the Palmer Writes blog!

This can be our online gathering place to encourage one another, share work, and build community--one word at a time.

A couple of disclaimers:
  • I want to keep the security settings minimal in order to share this link easily, so please use reasonable caution in any personal information you post.
  • Comments will be open, and I encourage everyone to post constructive comments often! I do reserve the right to delete anything that doesn't contribute to the positive environment we want to cultivate, but I will always get at least one other person's opinion (probably Roger's) before I take something down.
I'm putting this together in a hurry this morning, so don't be surprised to see some changes to the look and organization of the page over the next few weeks. If anyone has a burning desire to help edit the page, please let me know--I'd love to share responsibilities!

New posts will go up every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with a short quote or mindfulness exercise to help you center yourself as you start work and a prompt from 642 Things to Write about Me (check out the whole series--I know what's going on my Christmas list!) or other resources as noted.

Today's mindfulness exercise is from Jon Kabat-Zinn's Wherever You Go, There You Are (p. 147):

TRY: Bringing awareness to walking, wherever you find yourself. Slow it down a bit. Center yourself in your body and in the present moment. Appreciate the fact that you are able to walk, which many people cannot. Perceive how miraculous it is, and for a moment, don't take for granted that your body works so wonderfully. . . . Walk with dignity and confidence, and as the Navaho saying goes, walk in beauty, wherever you are.

So go for a walk, and then write 250-500 words on the following:

Describe "the dish your mom always cooked that you wished she wouldn't. What did it look like, smell like, taste like?" (this is from 642 Things but I thought it was a fun twist on the prompt we used last night).

Post your responses in the comments--sharing work is a great way to discover new and unexpected things about each other!